Sunday, May 3, 2009

Personal Trainer, Shopping Nirvana & New Pics

About 6 weeks ago my friend and I had a moment of pure insanity.....we signed up for 12 weeks of personal training, twice a week....worse yet, in our enthusiasm, we pre-paid for the full 12 weeks. After the first session, I needed my boyfriend help to drive home (I'm not kidding....I could't raise my arms all the way to turn the steering wheel). While we soaked in the hot tub for an hour, he listened to me whine about how sore I was, and how they knew what they were doing collecting payment for the full 12 weeks up front, because no one in their right mind would ever go back for round 2 of this torture !!!

It's been 6 weeks now, and my friend and I simply adore our personal trainer, Bob. He is a young guy who I honestly think enjoys the twice a week sessions as much as we do. He is amused by our half-hearted attempts to try and talk our way out of things.....of course he never gives into us, he just pushes us harder, and we love him for it.

The scale wasn't moving as quickly as I expected, and I was beginning to doubt the value of my efforts until my friend and I went shopping one day. I had always sighed as I walked by the Michael Kors shops, but too embarassed to walk into a designer store and bear the embarassement....knowing that nothing in that store would come close to fitting, so why torture myself, and why waste the sales girls time. For some reason, this time we had the guts to walk in, but was still very hesitant to try anything on. A sales girl saw that I was staring at this jacket for quite a while so she walked up and said the cut of the jacket was really flattering and I should try it on, then she then walked away. Still not convinced, I thought for another minute or two, but realized that she didn't seem to think I was too heavy to try the jacket on, soooooo......Stunned, shocked and thrilled beyond imagination the jacket fit perfectly....and I whipped out my credit card before I woke up from the dream. I can't remember the last time I bought clothes in a "normal sized person's" clothes store.....PRICELESS.

Even though the scale may not have reflected all my hard work during the personal training sessions, my body was still undergoing changes !!!

I wore the jacket to 3 different events that weekend, and if I could have slept in it I would have :-) I also fit into a pair of my "skinny jeans" I had pushed to the rear of my closet several years ago.

Anyway, they say a picture is worth a thousand here are a few pics of me and my new jacket before the "Yanni Voices" concert...check it out against my "before" pic:

Current - 4/2009 - 3 months Post-op

Before - 1/2009

We had a "meet & greet" with the young performers before the concert as part of our pledge package to the local PBS station. If you get a chance to get tickets to this concert, you should, it was an absolutely amazing evening.

Here are 2 of the incredible performers, Chole & Ender.


  1. Did I ever respond to the email you sent me with all these pictures? You are looking so good and I love the jacket! I am also happy to hear that your work with your trainer has been paying off! That would be so challenging but rewarding! I bet he does get a kick out of you two! You first paragraph had me laughing...when you were talking about your bf had to drive you home and they know what they are doing when they have you sign up for the whole program.

    Can you believe how much your body has changed already?

    Blog more often! The world needs you :)

  2. I am thrilled with the body changes after the first 35 pounds are gone.....the next 35 will be really amazing ! You look wonderful girlfriend :-)

  3. You look wonderful and healthy in the after picture and the jacket is FABULOUS! You look younger too. Keep up the good work, maybe a trainer should be in my future, I'll be banded June 22.

  4. Thanks for the kind words Kathi :-) I do feel so much better, inside and out......Clothes are actually fun again.

    Hey, good luck with your banding on the 22nd ! Please write and let me know how it goes for you My 50th BD is on the 23rd, and we'll be in Paris to celebrate, so I'll check in with you when we get back.
